Imports & Functions¶
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import as web
import as px
Finance Functions¶
In [2]:
def get_mv_weights(df_window, gamma=1, output_relative_weights=True):
Get the Minimum Variance weights for a given window
:param df_window: Window of data
:param output_relative_weights: Whether to output relative weights or absolute weights
# Calculate variables
mean = df_window.mean().values
cov = df_window.cov().values
inv_cov = np.linalg.pinv(cov)
# Calculate weights
absolute_weights = (1 / gamma) * inv_cov @ mean
relative_weights = absolute_weights / np.abs(np.sum(absolute_weights))
return relative_weights if output_relative_weights else absolute_weights
In [3]:
def sharpe_ratio(returns):
Sharpe ratio of returns. Assumes returns are already in excess of the risk-free rate.
:param returns: DataFrame of returns.
return returns.mean() / returns.std()
In [4]:
def sortino_ratio(returns):
Sortino ratio of returns. Assumes returns are already in excess of the risk-free rate.
:param returns: DataFrame of returns.
return returns.mean() / returns[returns < 0].std()
In [5]:
def annualized_returns(returns, periods_per_year=None):
Annualized returns of returns.
:param returns: DataFrame of returns.
:param periods_per_year: Number of periods per year. Infers the number of periods per year from the index frequency if not provided.
if periods_per_year is None:
periods_per_year = freq_to_periods_per_year(returns.index.freq)
return (returns + 1).prod() ** (periods_per_year / len(returns)) - 1
In [6]:
def annualized_volatility(returns, periods_per_year=None):
Annualized volatility of returns.
:param returns: DataFrame of returns.
:param periods_per_year: Number of periods per year. Infers the number of periods per year from the index frequency if not provided.
if periods_per_year is None:
periods_per_year = freq_to_periods_per_year(returns.index.freq)
return returns.std() * np.sqrt(periods_per_year)
In [7]:
def max_drawdown(returns):
Maximum drawdown of returns.
:param returns: DataFrame of returns.
starting_cash = 1 # Starting cash is redundant and is only included for clarity, starting_cash can be anything and the output would stay the same.
wealth_index = (returns + 1).cumprod().mul(starting_cash)
wealth_max = wealth_index.cummax()
return (wealth_index - wealth_max).div(wealth_max).min()
In [8]:
def value_at_risk(returns, level=0.05):
Value at risk of returns.
:param returns: DataFrame of returns.
:param level: Confidence level of the VaR.
return returns.quantile(level)
In [9]:
def conditional_value_at_risk(returns, level=0.05):
Conditional value at risk of returns.
:param returns: DataFrame of returns.
:param level: Confidence level of the CVaR.
var = value_at_risk(returns, level=level)
return returns[returns < var].mean()
In [10]:
def certainty_equivalent_return(returns, gamma=1):
Certainty Equivalent (CEQ) return, defined as the
risk-free rate that an investor is willing to accept
rather than adopting a particular risky portfolio strategy.
:param returns: DataFrame of returns.
:param gamma: Risk aversion coefficient.
return returns.mean() - ((gamma/2) * returns.var())
In [11]:
def annualized_turnover(portfolio_weights, asset_returns):
Portfolio turnover, defined as the average sum of the
absolute value of the trades across the N available assets.
:param returns: DataFrame of returns.
:param weights: DataFrame of weights.
# Make sure asset returns have the same time frame as portfolio weights
asset_returns = asset_returns.loc[portfolio_weights.index]
# Get a list of portfolio strategy names
portfolio_strategies = list(portfolio_weights.columns.get_level_values("Portfolio Strategy").unique())
# Create an empty series where annualized turnover will be stored
turnover = pd.Series(name="Annualized Turnover", index=portfolio_strategies, dtype="float64")
# Loop through each portfolio strategy for their respective turnover calculation
for strategy in portfolio_strategies:
# Get strategy weights
weights = portfolio_weights[strategy]
# Get portfolio weights at time t+1 before and after rebalancing
weights_t1_before_rebal = weights * (asset_returns + 1)
weights_t1_after_rebal = weights.shift(-1)
# Get the absolute turnover per period
per_period_turnover = (weights_t1_after_rebal - weights_t1_before_rebal).abs().sum(axis=1)[:-1]
# Convert per period turnover to annualized turnover
annualized_turnover = per_period_turnover.mean() * freq_to_periods_per_year(weights.index.freq)
# Add to series
turnover[strategy] = annualized_turnover
# Return annualized turnover
return turnover
In [12]:
def summary_stats(portfolio_returns, portfolio_weights, asset_returns):
Get summary statistics for a DataFrame of returns
:param returns: DataFrame of returns
summary = pd.DataFrame({
"Sharpe Ratio": sharpe_ratio(portfolio_returns),
"Sortino Ratio": sortino_ratio(portfolio_returns),
"Annualized Returns": annualized_returns(portfolio_returns),
"Annualized Volatility": annualized_volatility(portfolio_returns),
"Maximum Drawdown": max_drawdown(portfolio_returns),
"Skewness": portfolio_returns.skew(),
"Kurtosis": portfolio_returns.kurtosis(),
"VaR (0.05)": value_at_risk(portfolio_returns),
"CVaR (0.05)": conditional_value_at_risk(portfolio_returns),
"CEQ": certainty_equivalent_return(portfolio_returns),
"Annualized Turnover": annualized_turnover(portfolio_weights, asset_returns)
return summary
Other Functions¶
In [13]:
def generate_html(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, page_length=10, paging=True, info=True):
Generate HTML with jQuery Data Tables.
Original code found here:
:param dataframe: Pandas DataFrame
# get the table HTML from the dataframe
table_html = dataframe.to_html(table_id="table")
# Convert boolean to string
paging = str(paging).lower()
info = str(info).lower()
# construct the complete HTML with jQuery Data tables
# You can disable paging or enable y scrolling on lines 20 and 21 respectively
# # This is used to avoid templating issues when publishing to my blog.
html = f"""
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="" integrity="sha256-u7e5khyithlIdTpu22PHhENmPcRdFiHRjhAuHcs05RI=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
$(document).ready( function () {{
searching: false,
lengthChange: false,
pageLength: {page_length},
paging: {paging},
info: {info},
body {{
background-color: white;
table.dataTable {{
width: 100% !important;
table.dataTable tbody tr {{
background-color: transparent;
# # This is used to avoid templating issues when publishing to my blog.
# return the html
return html
In [14]:
def freq_to_periods_per_year(freq):
Convert a frequency object to the number of periods per year.
:param freq: Frequency object. Must be None, D, W, M, Q, or A.
if freq is None:
return 252
elif freq == "D":
return 252
elif freq == "W":
return 52
elif freq == "M":
return 12
elif freq == "Q":
return 4
elif freq == "A":
return 1
raise ValueError("freq must be None, D, W, M, Q, or A")
Generate Optimization Example Plot¶
In [15]:
x = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000)
y = -1 * (x-50)**2
y = y - min(y)
fig = px.line(x=x, y=y)
fig.add_hline(y=max(y), line_dash="dash", line_color="red")
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Asset Weights (Utility Function Inputs)", showticklabels=False)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Utility", showticklabels=False)
Mean-Variance Optimization¶
In [16]:
# FamaFrench 10 Industry Portfolios
industries = web.DataReader("10_Industry_Portfolios", "famafrench", start="1963-07", end="2023-01")[0].div(100)
# FamaFrench Factors
factors = web.DataReader("F-F_Research_Data_Factors", "famafrench", start="1963-07", end="2023-01")[0].div(100)
# Augment Industries to get Excess Returns
industries_ex = industries.sub(factors["RF"], axis=0)
# Add market factor
industries_ex["Mkt-RF"] = factors["Mkt-RF"]
In [17]:
# DataFrames for weights and returns to be appended.
# There are more efficient ways of doing this but I'm trying to make the code as readable and consistent as possible.
mv_weights_in_sample = pd.DataFrame(columns=industries_ex.columns)
mv_weights_out_sample = pd.DataFrame(columns=industries_ex.columns)
mv_weights_full_sample = pd.DataFrame(columns=industries_ex.columns)
ew_weights = pd.DataFrame(columns=industries_ex.columns)
df_returns = pd.DataFrame()
# How many periods to use for the window
window_size = 180
# Loop through the data to obtain mean-variance weights
for i, date in enumerate(industries_ex.index):
if i < (window_size - 1): continue
# Get the window of data ending at 'date' with a window size of 'window_size'
# Note that iloc[A,B] fetches values from A to B-1
start_i = i - (window_size - 1)
end_i = i + 1
df_window = industries_ex.iloc[start_i:end_i]
# Get the mean-variance weights
weights = get_mv_weights(df_window)
# Append the weights to the DataFrame
mv_weights_in_sample.loc[date] = weights
# Update necessary weight DataFrames
mv_weights_out_sample = mv_weights_in_sample.shift(1)
mv_weights_full_sample = get_mv_weights(industries_ex).reshape(1, -1)
mv_weights_full_sample = np.repeat(mv_weights_full_sample, industries_ex.shape[0], axis=0)
mv_weights_full_sample = pd.DataFrame(mv_weights_full_sample, columns=industries_ex.columns, index=industries_ex.index)
ew_weights = np.ones((industries_ex.shape[0], industries_ex.shape[1])) / industries_ex.shape[1]
ew_weights = pd.DataFrame(ew_weights, columns=industries_ex.columns, index=industries_ex.index)
# Get the 1/N portfolio returns (useful as a benchmark)
df_returns["1/N"] = industries_ex.mul(ew_weights, axis=1).sum(axis=1)
# Get the mean-variance portfolio returns (in-sample)
df_returns["MV (In-Sample)"] = industries_ex.iloc[window_size-1:].mul(mv_weights_in_sample, axis=1).sum(axis=1)
# Get the mean-variance portfolio returns (out-of-sample)
df_returns["MV (Out-Sample)"] = industries_ex.iloc[window_size-1:].mul(mv_weights_out_sample, axis=1).sum(axis=1)
# Get the mean-variance portfolio returns (full-sample)
df_returns["MV (Full-Sample)"] = industries_ex.mul(mv_weights_full_sample, axis=1).sum(axis=1)
# Drop invalid rows such that all portfolios start at the same time.
# Note that we drop window_size + 1 number of rows because the row index starts at 0.
# We need to drop an extra row because out-of-sample mean-variance weights are shifted by 1 period.
df_returns = df_returns.iloc[window_size:]
In [18]:
# Drop unnecessary rows from the weight DataFrames while we're at it (this will be useful in our results section)
ew_weights = ew_weights.loc[df_returns.index]
mv_weights_in_sample = mv_weights_in_sample.loc[df_returns.index]
mv_weights_out_sample = mv_weights_out_sample.loc[df_returns.index]
mv_weights_full_sample = mv_weights_full_sample.loc[df_returns.index]
# Create a single DataFrame containing portfolio weights for every strategy (also useful for results section)
header = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([df_returns.columns, industries_ex.columns], names=["Portfolio Strategy", "Asset"])
df_portfolio_weights = pd.DataFrame(columns=header)
df_portfolio_weights["1/N"] = ew_weights
df_portfolio_weights["MV (In-Sample)"] = mv_weights_in_sample
df_portfolio_weights["MV (Out-Sample)"] = mv_weights_out_sample
df_portfolio_weights["MV (Full-Sample)"] = mv_weights_full_sample
In [19]:
# Save portfolio returns to HTML for my blog
html_returns = generate_html(df_returns)
with open("mv_returns.html", "w") as file:
# Print returns here as well
1/N | MV (In-Sample) | MV (Out-Sample) | MV (Full-Sample) | |
Date | ||||
1978-07 | 0.047664 | 0.012951 | -0.009586 | 0.046217 |
1978-08 | 0.033936 | -0.033435 | -0.053118 | 0.024945 |
1978-09 | -0.014209 | 0.143651 | 0.130396 | -0.027631 |
1978-10 | -0.115382 | 0.033149 | 0.009592 | -0.110844 |
1978-11 | 0.026473 | 0.093890 | 0.091734 | 0.047838 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2022-07 | 0.093573 | 0.076109 | 0.060402 | 0.029736 |
2022-08 | -0.029636 | -0.017365 | -0.020830 | 0.011081 |
2022-09 | -0.092091 | 0.005298 | -0.016549 | -0.073278 |
2022-10 | 0.080955 | 0.051083 | 0.034204 | 0.126058 |
2022-11 | 0.035536 | 0.053048 | 0.046345 | 0.023015 |
533 rows × 4 columns
Make sure the "Mean-Variance Optimization" section has been run to populate the
In [20]:
# Get cumulative returns
df_returns_cum = (df_returns + 1).cumprod().sub(1)
df_returns_cum.index = df_returns_cum.index.to_timestamp()
# Plot the cumulative returns
fig = px.line(df_returns_cum, title="Cumulative Returns Over Time")
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Returns", tickformat=".0%")
fig.update_layout(legend_title_text="Portfolio", title_x=0.5)
# Save the plot to HTML for my blog
In [21]:
# Get the summary statistics for each strategy
stats = summary_stats(df_returns, df_portfolio_weights, industries_ex).T
# Save summary statistics to HTML for my blog
# Print summary statistics here as well
1/N | MV (In-Sample) | MV (Out-Sample) | MV (Full-Sample) | |
Sharpe Ratio | 0.172825 | 0.228963 | 0.038555 | 0.238449 |
Sortino Ratio | 0.229944 | 0.307529 | 0.042100 | 0.381380 |
Annualized Returns | 0.080959 | 0.216877 | -0.052830 | 0.127804 |
Annualized Volatility | 0.149322 | 0.308717 | 0.377176 | 0.162132 |
Maximum Drawdown | -0.496305 | -0.830373 | -0.996717 | -0.313587 |
Skewness | -0.621345 | 0.980511 | -1.120290 | -0.053701 |
Kurtosis | 2.428163 | 14.247974 | 22.282114 | 1.122496 |
VaR (0.05) | -0.067842 | -0.095657 | -0.125124 | -0.061210 |
CVaR (0.05) | -0.099081 | -0.175262 | -0.259063 | -0.093562 |
CEQ | 0.006521 | 0.016434 | -0.001730 | 0.010065 |
Annualized Turnover | 0.483863 | 40.531512 | 45.708499 | 3.984118 |